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Olive olils | n. m.
an olive tree variety of low robustness, open bearing, average crown density and elliptical-shaped leaves, characterized by low adaptability to limey soils, resistance to cold and olive leaf spot, high sensitivity to verticillium wilt and olive knot, precocious cropping and high productivity; its small-sized fruits show average resistance to detachment, which hampers mechanized harvest.


As the crown is small it is suifor dense planting. In Catalonia the Arbequina is usually self-fertile. The yield is high and it is considered an early bearer.

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Olive olils | n. m.
the olive fruit the namesake variety, characterized by low weight, spherical shape, a rounded apex with no nipple, black colour when ripe, high fat yield, and suitability for mill processing.


Too small to be harvested by mechanical methods, the care and time it takes to hand pick arbequinas is a testament to their quality and reputation. Brownish purple in color, they have a unique nuttiness that makes them easy to devour by the handful, especially if you dress them with a bit of olive oil and orange rind.

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Olive olils | n. m.
olive oil manufactured with olives the namesake variety, characterized by a sweet, fruity, slightly bitter and pungent taste, with average oleic and linoleic acid content, low polyphenol content and low stability.


This Arbequina oil has an acidity of less than 0.3% and it is one of the most popular of the medium intensity olive oil varietals. Smooth and buttery with a slightly nutty flavor and light hint of pepper, Las Doscientas Arbequina olive oil is a wonderful choice for salads, vegetables, poultry or fish.

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