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Olive olils | n. m.
an  olive tree variety of average robustness, open bearing, thick crown density and elliptical-shaped lanceolate leaves, characterized by adaptability to limey soils, resistance to drought,  olive knot and  black spot, but sensitivity to  olive fly and high sensitivity to olive leave spot and  verticillium wilt; highly valued for its cropping precocity and high productivity; its fruits show low resistance to detachment, which facilitates mechanized  harvest.


In general, when Picual olive trees were planted under deficiency of water (50 to 75% of its actual water requirements) they may be show adverse effects on some fruit characteristics such as fruit weight, volume, dimensions and flesh thickness.

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the "Picual" variety ranks 1st in importance (surface x 1000 ha) in the world. It represents 20% of  olive plantations in the world and 50% in Spain. It is the prevalent variety in the province of Jaén/Jaen (whose 550.000 ha. make it the largest world olive oil-producing area). It is also grown in the provinces of Córdoba/Cordoba and Granada.


Olive olils | n. m.
the  olive fruit from the namesake variety, characterized by its having an average weight, an ovoid shape, a rounded apex with incipient nipple, black colour when ripe, high  fat  yield and suitability for  mill processing.


Picual olives are hand harvested early in the fall and pressed at low temperatures the same day.

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Olive olils | n. m.
 olive oil manufactured with olives from the namesake variety, characterized by a  sweet,  fruity, and slightly predominant  bitter and  pungent  taste, with high oleic acid content, low  linoleic acid content, high polyphenol content, and very high  stability.


Picual oil is rather robust, peppery, fresh tasting, and pleasantly bitter. Because it is so stable, this is excellent cooking oil, whether you are deep-frying, sautéing, braising vegetables or cooking potatoes.

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PDOs Sierra de Segura, Sierra Mágina and Sierra de Cazorla. PGI Aceites de Jaén.