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Olive olils | n. phr.
an olive tree variety of average robustness, upright bearing, average crown density, and elliptical-shaped lanceolate leaves; characterized by its adaptability to humid soils, drought and cold, resistance to olive knot, sensitivity to verticillium wilt and high sensitivity to olive leaf spot, late cropping and low productivity; its fruits show very high resistance to detachment, which hampers mechanized harvest.


The Verdial de Huevar olive tree is vigorous of up-right shape and high density in its top. Medium size leafs, eliptical lance shape with green-greyish colour. It is a variety of middle productivity and rooting, a late blooming and middle ripening.

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the "Verdial de Huévar" variety ranks 13th in importance (surface x 1000 ha) in Spain. It is grown in the provinces of Huelva and Sevilla/Seville. The term verdial, from verde


Olive olils | n. phr.
the olive fruit from the namesake variety, characterized by its being very weighty and having an ovoid shape, a rounded apex with visible nipple, wine-red colour when ripe, average fat yield, and dual purpose variety.


This variety of olive is called verdial (which comes from "verde", meaning "green") because it never completely blackens on ripening.

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Olive olils | n. phr.
olive oil manufactured with olives from the namesake variety, characterized by a sweet, fruity and slightly predominant bitter pungent taste, with high oleic acid content, low linoleic acid content, low polyphenol content, and average stability.


The festival of Verdial Olive Oil is an opportunity for thousands of visitors to try this superior olive oil offered in the form of a miller"s breakfast (bread soaked in olive oil).

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PDOs Antequera, Sierra de Cádiz.