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Agriculture | n. m.
a branch several years old resulting from the multiplication method of pruning in traditional oliviculture.


Most modern propagation is from leafy cuttings rooted under mist. Take eight-inch long, pencil-sized cuttings from the tree in August or September for best results. The top two inches of the cutting may be removed or left on. Place the cutting stem-down in a mixture of equal parts peat, perlite or vermiculite, and sand. The media should be pasteurized and treated with a fungicide. Hold the cuttings under intermittent mist. After six to eight weeks, roots should begin to form. Cuttings may be potted after 10 to 12 weeks. After potting, fertilize the rooted cuttings with a dilute fertilizer, but avoid burning the roots with excessive nitrogen. The cuttings may be transferred to the nursery the following spring.

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