See +


Commerce | n. phr.
an institution whose aims are to promote the olive oil sector and to increase the knowledge and appreciation of olive oils by bringing together producers, governmental or public bodies and financial institutions.

Alternative forms

Fundación del olivar

Additional information

ever since its creation, the Foundation has carried out many specialized activities related to olive-tree plantations and olive oil, such as the promotion of the international trade fair EXPOLIVA, the establishment of an Information System of Olive Oil Prices at Origin -poolred-, the publication of books on olive-tree plantations and olive oil, the creation of the Information and Documentation Centre on Olive-tree Plantations and Olive Oil, the provision of financial support for research projects and scholarships, the development of electronic commerce platforms for the manufacturing sector, and the organization of communication campaigns on virgin olive oil, of olive tasting workshops and of conferences related to the olive-tree plantations and olive oil.