See +


Agriculture | n. m.
A cultivation practice that consists in collecting olives.


in some high density plantations we have started to observe attacks of "tuberculosis" (Pseudomonas savastanoi) to branches and buds, related with fractures caused by the movement of self-propelled machines along the rows of the hedge, especially if the harvest takes place after a rainfall or with high atmosphere humidity.

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Additional information

to obtain high quality oil, olives should be picked at their optimal ripening stage by using methods that do not cause olive deterioration and preventing the tree-harvested olives from mixing with the ground-fallen olives.


Agriculture | n. m.
the time of the year when olives are collected.


many olives fall on the ground before the harvest, especially when attacked by olive fly.

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Additional information

the olive harvest takes place between March and June in the southern hemisphere and between October and March in the northern hemisphere.


Agriculture | n. m.
crop, yield 1.


this year we had a good olive harvest and ended up collecting about 2 quintals (200kgs) of olives. they were also in good condition with only a few damaged.

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