See +


Agriculture | n. m.
a worker in charge of hand-pole beating.


The harvesters work in teams cuadrillas of four or five; the men use long sticks to beat the branches, and the women spread huge nets mantas (once made of canvas, nowadays of nylon mesh) under the tree and gather the olives which fall into it.

See Sources


Agriculture | n. m.
A small machine, carried by a harvester, that is used for shaking and is made up of a mechanised pole with one or various sets of spikes at the end of it that are shaken, thus making fruits fall off.


The most efficient process is the shaking machine, with nets that catch the olives immediately.

See Sources

Additional information

various types of shaking machines exist depending on the system that they use: electric rakes, shaking machines endowed with vibrating combs and shaking machines endowed with embracing clamps.