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Olive olils | n. phr.
Oils that are obtained from olives. They are classified into the following commercial categories: extra virgin olive oil, virgin olive oil, lampante olive oil, refined olive oil and olive oil.


This aid was granted to olive oils put on sale in the Community in containers of a maximum of 5 litres and packed in an approved establishment.

See Sources

Additional information

in addition, there are three commercial categories of olive residue oils: crude olive-residue oil, refined olive-residue oil, and olive-residue oil. This classification is according to the European Commission regulation (EC No. 640/2008), which establishes 8 categories of commercial olive oils. In turn, the IOC (T.15/NC no. 3/Rev. 3, 2008) establishes 9 categories, the difference being in that the category "virgin olive oil" in the Commission regulation corresponds to two categories in the IOC regulation ("virgin olive oil" and "ordinar y virgin olive oil").