See +


Agriculture | n. phr. m. pl.
an innovative cultivation model, scientifically endorsed, that recovers biodiversity in the olive grove and transforms it into profitability for farmers, and whose objective is to produce certified oils identified by a seal that differentiates them and gives them added value.


"Olivares Vivos is made up by olive growers and both public and private institutions that put faith into the future of the olive grove and have already shown that it is possible to have another model profitable and committed to nature olive growing. "

Additional information

The intensification of olive groves has led to erosion and loss of biodiversity. To reverse this situation, Olivares Vivos has designed and tested a model of agriculture that recovers biodiversity, through a series of actions on farms, related to the management of herbaceous cover and the restoration of unproductive areas, by planting various tree, shrub and herbaceous species and the installation of elements to support wildlife (nesting boxes, creation of ponds and drinking troughs, etc.)
