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Olive olils | n. m.
an olive tree variety of average robustness, upright bearing, average crown density, and lanceolate leaves, characterized by adaptability to limey soils and resistance to drought, sensitivity to olive leaf spot, to olive knot and verticillium wilt, average cropping and high productivity; its fruits show very high resistance to detachment, which hampers mechanized harvest.


The Hojiblanca olive trees are one of the most beautiful with dark green leaf tops and silver-white undersides.

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the "Hojiblanca" variety ranks 3rd in importance (surface x 1000 ha) in Spain. It is grown in the provinces of Córdoba/Cordoba, Granada, Málaga/Malaga and Sevilla/Seville. It is so called because of the light colour of the leaves,


Olive olils | n. m.
the olive fruit from the namesake variety, characterized by its being very weighty and having an ovoid shape, a rounded apex with no nipple, purple-black colour when ripe, low fat yield, and dual purpose variety.


Hojiblanca olives have been around since antiquity, producing oils that can range rather widely in flavour but generally tend to be pleasantly bittersweet, fruity, and lightly peppery, with a hint of almonds.

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Olive olils | n. m.
olive oil manufactured with olives from the namesake variety, characterized by a sweet, fruity, and slightly predominant bitter and pungent taste, with high oleic acid content, low linoleic acid and polyphenol content, and average stability.


This award winning Hojiblanca from Andalusia, Spain has been a solid favorite at The Olive Crush since we first opened our store. A combination of bold, rich, fruity flavored oil which has sweet tones as well as a slight pepper finish. Hojiblanca olive oils are constant top place finishers in international competitions. Hojiblanca is an all-purpose salad and cooking oil with a special emphasis on topping cooked meats, fish and vegetables.

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PDO Antequera, Estepa.