See +


Industry | n. m.
The pre-milling stage in which olives are kept in storage tanks, trojes or storage chutes.


The quality of olive oil depends on the selection of olives so as to be healthy, the way they are transported to the olive presses, the storage until they ere [sic] processed, the storage of olive oil, the bottling and the storage either by the retailer or by the final consumer.

See Sources


Industry | n. m.
The stage subsequent to production in which oil is stored in containers or underground oil tanks to prevent quality degradation before commercialization.


Maintaining the conditions of good storage, away from odours, heat and light, olive oil is impeccably preserved for 18 months.

See Sources

Additional information

oil must be stored in a dark, cool, dry place and exposure to air should be kept to a minimum to prevent oxidation-triggered fustiness and absorption of extraneous smells.