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Olive olils | n. phr.
an olive tree variety of low robustness, open bearing, average crown density, and elliptical-shaped lanceolate leaves, characterized by resistance to olive leaf spot, but sensitivity to olive knot, precocious cropping and high productivity; its fruits show low resistance to detachment, which facilitates mechanized harvest.


Manzanilla cacereña tree is vigorous, high productivity, and the fruits are big, consequently it is so appreciated as black ripening colour table olives. Nevertheless, in the regions in where the tradition of the seasoning is not established, it is used for obtaining oil.

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the "Manzanilla cacereña" variety ranks 9th in importance (surface x 1000 ha) in Spain. It is grown in the provinces of Cáceres/Caceres and Salamanca.


Olive olils | n. phr.
the olive fruit from the namesake variety, characterized by its being very weighty and having a spherical shape, a rounded apex with no nipple, black colour when ripe, low fat yield, and dual purpose variety.


80% of the production of Manzanilla cacereña olives is destined for use as eating olives (black and marinated) and only the remaining 20% is used for olive oil.

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Olive olils | n. phr.
olive oil manufactured with olives from the namesake variety, characterized by a sweet, fruity, and slightly predominant bitter and pungent taste, with high oleic acid content, low and linoleic acid content and average polyphenol content, and average stability.


For the very fruity Manzanilla cacereña oil from the 2002-2003 season I"d suggest a red Ekus 2000 from Bodegas Santa María.

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DOP Gata-Hurdes.